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Weekly Strokes Newsletter In this unreleased seminar footage (filmed in India) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. FEATURE SEGMENT: Describing Personality Traits Using Metaphors... FEATURE VIDEO SEGMENT: Describing Personality Traits Using Metaphors One thing many handwriting experts neglect to learn is how to tell someone else that they have a negative personality trait in a way that person can understand and relate to. Would you tell your best friend he has low self-esteem? How about a fear of success? Probably not so directly and it's not the best way to keep friends or make new ones. I'd like to invite you to watch this unreleased video segment recorded live in India and follow along as I explain how to describe personality traits using metaphors. Please be patient while the video loads in your browser.
Now that you have watched the video...here are a few examples of common negative personality traits that are difficult to put across in a direct manner. Instead of telling your mother she is argumentative... you'd be better off suggesting she'd argue with a telephone pole. This way you'll get a laugh while still making your point about the trait you see in her handwriting. See if you can think of metaphors for the negative personality traits below, then read the ones we've come up with. Each card of the graphodeck gives you the stroke, the corresponding personality trait and a description of the behavior....sometimes even clues to a metaphor.
It's a good idea to come up with several of your own metaphors for each of the basic strokes when discussing personality traits....It can only help you become a better handwriting analyst. Try to match these metaphors to the personality traits above........ "You hold your emotions in, but often one word can spark an emotional blow up." "You like to keep projects going and feel a sense of loss when a project is over." "You run out to the curb with the garbage...right as the trash truck pulls up in the morning." "If someone were to ask you your age...you might not tell them." "You can't help but honk or yell at an ignorant driver who cut you off in traffic." "You leave important tasks to the last minute and barely get them done on time." "Do you have a collection of unfinished projects in your garage or on your desk?" "If I told you something in confidence...I could count on you to keep it to yourself and not tell everyone what I said."
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Upcoming Teleclass:
![]() 6:00 pm Pacific Time / 9:00 pm Eastern Time Handwriting University's President, Bart Baggett - Trait Stacking and Advanced Handwriting Analysis Handwriting analysis is more than spotting a single stroke from the Grapho-Deck and memorizing the meaning. This preview seminar focuses on hard to identify qualities such as: * intelligence * bad ethics * fears * defenses that require two or three combinations of strokes to create. You can't see them in just one letter ... you have to STACK TRAITS. * Who is the criminal? * Can you spot a cheater? * Which handwriting identifies the best baby sitter? Register for the Teleclass here: http://www.handwritinguniversity.com/preview
"This seminar has
changed my life. It is the most efficient and effective method for personal
development and for improving the quality of one's relationships."
—Kim Radcliffe, Attorney and Mediator, Orlando, FL "If you're at
the point where you want to change your life, this course is a must! You'll
learn more about yourself and other people than you ever thought possible, and
you'll make money in the process." "This course has
been amazing! With a background in clinical research, my first reaction was to
search for the evidence that this science is accurate. Upon investigation,
biologically, handwriting analysis' validity makes perfect sense. Ultimately, my
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already seen and experienced wonderful changes through grapho-therapy. People at
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to manage important projects. All this happened in about a month from first
raising my t-bar!" DISCOUNTS Handwriting Courses on Special this week: http://myhandwriting.com/discounts.html COMMENTS Dear Bart and Curtis, Thank you. There is no way to fully express my gratitude for this seminar. I think it came at just the right time. I am very excited that I will be able to help people. I have finally found my niche. Anyone considering taking this course, should stop considering it and DO IT! I'm thrilled in knowing I go home with so much more than ever before. Kim Brown, Private Investigator Hyde Park, Utah, USA thatgirlkimbee@hotmail.com Come for your own life changing experience: http://myhandwriting.com/seminars CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE
Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer http://handwritinguniversity.com |
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